Friday, August 3, 2007


Thank God. When I heard that Clover Studios had been dissolved after the amazing Okami was released for the PS2 last year (a game of the year nomination), I almost lost my mind. How could a studio that put out such a quality game get the axe so fast? Luckily, it has been announced this last week that heads from Clover Studios have reformed and opened its doors again as Seeds. Seeds is being led by former Clover president Atsushi Inaba. Other main members have worked on such titles as Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Dino Crisis, and Okami. Needless to say, I am really excited for this new studio to be created. Just like Mistwalker Studios which is made up of ex-Squaresoft employee's responsible for Final Fantasy, Seeds will join it on the list of the most highly anticipated developers. Mistwalker has Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey which are Xbox exclusives bleeping on the radar. Lets hope that both new companies can come through with some gaming goodness for all to enjoy. Keep your eyes open for updates.

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