Friday, August 3, 2007

Xbox Live goodies this week...

A quality week for updates, downloads, and releases on Xbox Live. First off is the new gameplay mode for all you Gears of War freaks out there called, Annex. Annex sets up a marker on the map with a maximum amount of time given to it. Teams must control the marker to get the points off of it and once the points are drained the marker vanishes and relocates to a different position on the map. The team to reach the required number of points first wins the match. This updated mode, along with a few fixes to gameplay, should make those still addicted to the Lancer happy. Also out this week is a new Halo 3 video documentary discussing the multi-player maps and tweaks we can look forward to. Running at around 5 minutes, Halo 3 is looking like an instant life-drainer to us all. Oh yeah, and the Beta comes out May 16th so if you have signed up for it or own Crackdown, you have just over a month to wait. Also on Xbox Live arcade this week is the new game by Bizarre Creations (who developed Geometry Wars Advanced) called Boom Boom Rocket. I am looking forward to this one and should have a review coming soon!

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